Grand Hotel Santa Lucia

Customer satisfaction


Grazie per il soggiorno 5 Stars


Grazie per la vostra tradizionale e proverbiale ospitalità


complimenti alle signore delle pulizie camere per la perfezione!!


All the staff were helpful and friendly, particularly over breakfast


The lady server in the restaurant was always so pleasant and remembered our coffee order after the first day. She was efficient and professional and friendly


Very Efficient and helpful and friendly staff


I thought that all staff were helpful and efficient, and the lady who looked after us at breakfast provided excellent service.


Thank you to all the staff. Especially Mariela in dining room, Vicenzo, Alessio, Giovanni. And for giving me a risotto before the kitchen/dining room opened - I was very very hungry and it was THE BEST risotto I have ever had. Please thank the kind waiter whose name I did not get,. Room 410


da tutti i membri del personale che sono indistintamente servizievoli, gentili e professionali, si desume che la direzione è molto attenta a questi aspetti e che allo stesso tempo vige un'atmosfera positiva e rilassata di rispetto reciproco, un bell'ambiente di lavoro che viene trasmesso ai clienti, complimenti !


A la acertada decoración donde aúnan con exquisito gusto, pasado y presente de la ciudad.


Muchas gracias Hotel bien situado y buen servicio